With equipment management software solutions becoming more present in the modern workplace, determining the kind of software you should adopt is incredibly important. In reality, there are two options: web-based or cloud-based. Web-based, for years, has been the norm. But what makes the alternative, cloud-based software, so unique?
There can be some confusion surrounding these terms because a lot of applications incorrectly label themselves as cloud-based when they’re actually web-based. In a nutshell, cloud-based and web-based applications are, on the surface, extremely similar. Although one major distinction is that cloud-based solutions are capable of carrying out regular processes without having a dedicated internet connection.
So, essentially, cloud-based software is designed to perform certain functions offline. Not to mention the fact that a third party normally monitors and maintains cloud-based applications, so the software is less of a burden for the organisation utilising it.
Now it’s clear that cloud-based software already holds some innate advantages over its alternative, lining it up as the go-to for any modern organisation.
With web-based platforms being the standard for years, it makes sense that people are wary about the modern alternative. However, these doubts can be easily assuaged. The main complaint directed towards cloud-based software is its supposed poor security. But that concern comes from a poor understanding of data security and in reality, despite the technology being relatively nascent, the measures you can take to protect it are tried and tested procedures.
Others criticise the lack of personal oversight since the majority of the processes are conducted by the third party developer’s servers. However, this is arguably one of the key advantages of cloud computing seeing as since maintenance and support is typically outsourced to the provider, the internal expenses for IT support are reduced significantly – making it an ideal solution for smaller enterprises.
To take this further, the fact that the provider manages the solution guarantees round-the-clock support should any issues arise. Much like the support and training we offer with Pro-Cloud, our asset tracking and management software.
Furthermore, cloud-based solutions offer a synchronised interface which means there are no variations across the devices being used. For example, while the software modules within Pro-Cloud can be customised for the user, the general interface is automatically updated across all platforms. Therefore, cloud-based applications boast better accessibility since every user is on the same version of the system. The offline capabilities mean there is no need for the system to have a dedicated internet connection to view data. This data can also be cached within a local system, offering temporary offline storage, enabling work to be carried out on the go.

In summary, what makes cloud-based software so unique is its versatility. Its features place it into a league far above its competitors – positioning it as the only option. By possessing offline capabilities and universal synchronised interfaces, these cloud-based programmes, like Pro-Cloud, are the way forward for any organisation since they ensure you are able to work anytime, anywhere.
Why not take a look at our testimonials to see how cloud-based software can work for you?
Want to learn more about how Pro-Cloud can benefit your organisation? Book a software demo with us by contacting our Business Development Team on 0800 652 0488 or email enquiries@csseurope.co.uk