Pro-Cloud on iOS

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Pro-Cloud on iOS: The Future of Mobile Working

In the last few years, there’s been a huge increase in the need for mobile-friendly asset management solutions. And so we are delighted to run through the new and improved Pro-Cloud iOS application.

Pro-Cloud is updated regularly to ensure the highest standards of performance for our users – and so the latest iteration of our iOS application has been configured using the programming language Swift.

apple and swift and iphone screenSwift is a programming language developed by Apple in 2014 in order to encourage more native iOS development and to make app development/coding more accessible to newcomers. In light of this, the language is becoming more popular by the year thanks in part to its simplicity and overall efficiency. In fact, the driver-on-demand service Lyft recently re-wrote its application in Swift, eliminating the lines of code by almost half while still incorporating new features into their service (see here for more).

So, it’s already clear to see how Swift holds some leeway over its contemporaries. Being a language designed for native iOS development, allowing programmes written with the code to run at maximum efficiency. This effectiveness is because of a feature inherent to Swift called ‘Automatic Reference Counting’. This feature essentially allows any program written in Swift to automatically remove parts of the code that are no longer needed in order to maintain the highest possible standards of memory and storage capacity.

With its popularity as a development language, it’s clear that Swift is here to stay. That makes it paramount for any company to adopt this new language in order to maintain incredibly high standards of operational efficiency.

Here’s the rundown on the app and what it can do for you

Our iOS app, once paired with our Pro-Cloud software, acts as a poral between your users and the core system. Therefore, it allows mobile working from any location. For instance, if a user is logged into the system through their smartphone instead of a scanner, they will still be able to scan some labels with their camera as the app is designed to pick our specific fields of information i.e, serial number or asset ID.

On top of this, the app collects location and device data to monitor and track agent progress. This means the app can check for nearby users and alert them of a fault as it happens, ensuring you have total visibility of your assets and tasks.

When you consider these features are part of our new iOS rollout, it’s clear to see we developed it with a language as robust as Swift in order to maximise the efficiencies of our asset tracking app.

The implementation of a Swift-based Pro-Cloud app allows us to streamline and optimize our processes meaning our service is now operating at an even higher level of efficiency.

Since the app is maximised for iOS, that means the response times and system speeds while using the app will be a major upgrade over the original. The app also incorporates Swift’s Automatic Reference Counting which is a system that automatically omits outdated forms of code or error processes in order to free up storage. This guarantees a refined, constantly improving application.

Why choose Pro-Cloud?

Developing and hosting your own mobile working solution can be costly and time-consuming, with the responsibility for functionality and security placed on your shoulders. Those issues are not a concern with Pro-Cloud. We implement and support your solution and strive to constantly update and improve our services

The Pro-Cloud mobile app is the way forward for you and your organisation. To start, it gives you complete visibility over your assets and workers, making sure you can maximise your efficiencies and streamline your daily processes. Not to mention how this level of oversight enables more hands-on management, giving you more control over how your organisation ticks over. So, with mobile working becoming more of a necessity, use our asset management app, Pro-Cloud, and Automate Everything!

Want to learn more about how Pro-Cloud can benefit your organisation? Book a software demo with us by contacting our Business Development Team on 0800 652 0488 or email

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